Saturday, August 23, 2008


Ok, so Paul and I both agree that we are done with having babies.  We love all our kids, but we are done.  So sometimes I'll see a baby and be all like "AWWWWWW, I WANT ONE!"  But I don't REALLY mean it.  I just want one that doesn't cry or demand anything or produce dirty laundry.  So Paul is always like, "WE'LL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER KID AGIAN."  Ok, that's fine.  I NEED that voice of reason.  But the other day, Paul came home, he said he needed to get fixed because he had a "twinge".  That's right.  Big ole mister heart of stone had a TWINGE.  Over a baby.  He had an urge to have another baby!  After I smacked his face twice, I agreed.  Time to get fixed.  

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