We took another trip up to Camden a couple of weekends ago and went to a harvest festival. Paul and Megan got to stomp grapes. Megan was up to her knees in grapes! It was a blast, she didn't want to get out. She and Paul also went up in a hot air balloon, it was tethered, but Megan loved it.
Megan went camping this weekend with a friend and had a blast. She came home exhausted though. It was a quite weekend. Paul took Cricket outside in her playpen and cleaned the yard up. She loves being outside and she was having fun "reading" her books and talking to Dad while he worked.
We're doing great, just getting everything ready to move to Japan. We're trying to decied what to bring with us and what to leave. Lucky for us, Paul's brother Lance and his family are stationed over there right now. Christy has been awesome answering all of our questions. They are leaving not too long after we get there though - we get there in February and they are leaving in May. Still enough time to hang out and have some fun.