And Paul blames me! He swore up and down that Maddy wouldn't be a thumb sucker, but I guess it's like they say, children are God's way of showing us that we're not in charge! She's been sucking on her fingers for the last couple of weeks, but today was the big day, just one thumb in her mouth! She can roll over from her front to back, for about 3 weeks or so and is working on back to front, she can get onto her side and almost all the way over but not quite there yet...
Megan is still very much the proud older sister, she's just great with Madeline, she always wants to hold her and is a great help. She got creative with a pair of scissors and her hair the other day though...
In related news, Paul and I have decieded that I'll stay home with the girls. There is really no one else to watch Maddy, the lady who is watching her now gave us until April 6th and she'll have another set of kids to watch. So we'll be taking Megan out of daycare and she'll stay home until Kindergarten in the fall. Hopefully she'll be able to go to the Waldorf school that is in Freeport, it's a private school but I've heard great things about it and Mom, as a present to Megan, has offered to pay for the tuition. So we're going to the open house in April to check it out. But I just can't wait, I really think that this will be so good for her. I'll try to keep us busy this summer, the library has some great programs and we'll do swim lessons once it warms up. We've been thinking about piano lessons, but we'll have to re-think that one with the loss of my income...
Ok, going to go, time for the kids to get to bed!